The Open-Source-Initiative of the FernUniversität Hagen could enable a better intern connectivity with the Community. At the same time, structural changes ensured the way of CampusSource to the future. The event “research date and research management” in 2019 represented the current progress and the following topics. During the conference the member of the executive board Prof. Dr. Michael Stepping outlined the objectives that were achieved so far by the CampusSource since it started and also introduced future objectives. Prof. Dr. Michael Stepping attended the FernUniverstität Hagen as a research associate and contributed to the CampusSource-Project “CampusContent” from 2006 until 2007. Current challenges are seen in technical requirements, as well as in the mobile usage, cloud integration, voice control and open source solutions.
For important topics of the event and further information about CampusScource see: